Friday, October 19, 2007

of nerds, learning and madness

i haven't read any case for 2 days (yesterday and later). my brain's capacity for processing data is slowing down. i guess i need to flush out some data before i can enter more for processing. unfortunately i dont know how long will this cycle time be. hours ago in the economics class we had a live case and i was like dreaming during the discussion, actually it was more like floating. after the class i went to greenbelt to play Warcraft DOTA hoping to be refreshed but it didn't work. i still have coughs and colds since monday, although it's getting better i'm still not up at full capacity for working. the thing with the learning process is that you have to go through it -- that's why its a process... they say there have been suicides in the university. madness! i thought being an mba would make you a nerd... but its the other way around, exposing you to the rigors of business, you have the all-around capacity to get through the day... and at the end of the day, its the relationships with the people around you that matters... and of being a nerdy or madness -- its all a choice.

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